Song A Day Challenge: My Favorite Soundtracks (Day 5)

For my final selection in the Song A Day Challenge, I knew right away what I had to pick. I couldn’t list my favorite soundtracks without giving a shout-out to “Guardians of the Galaxy: Awesome Mix Vol. 1”! 🙂

“Guardians” would have been an awesome movie on its own, but the soundtrack full of retro music definitely kicked it up another notch. What makes the “Awesome Mix” even better is that these aren’t just random pop songs stuck in a film; in the movie, these songs are all part of a mixtape that Starlord/Peter Quill’s mother created for him before her death. This makes the soundtrack a lot more personal and impactful.

While there are many great songs included on the “Awesome Mix Vol. 1” album, my favorite is probably “Come and Get Your Love” by Redbone. This song plays during the opening scene of the movie, where Quill is dancing around the planet on his way to steal an artifact. It’s such a fun scene and does a great job setting the tone for the rest of the film:

I’m also partial to the slightly melancholy “I’m Not in Love” by 10cc:

Well, that’s it for the Song A Day Challenge! Thanks again to Bradscribe for nominating me to take on the Song A Day Challenge!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

5 thoughts on “Song A Day Challenge: My Favorite Soundtracks (Day 5)

  1. I guessed this 1!
    2 of th best tracks on that tape as well
    3 yrs ago made a list speculating as to what tracks made it onto Awesome Mixtape vol 2 – so itching to find out what’s on it!
    Thanks for a great song-a-day-challenge, Ash!

  2. This is a great soundtrack. The music is such a huge part of the movie. I also like the fact that the music is IN the movie. It’s a prop and a plot point of the movie. And the collection is amazing. The end credits song ABC by The Jackson Five is brilliant. Leave your audience dancing. I would be surprised if they can repeat that success in the second one. But I’m hopeful. And the fact that I actually grew up with these songs made it even sweeter.

    • I’m really excited to see what songs they select for Vol. 2. The first Guardians movie and soundtrack are tough acts to follow, but hopefully they’ll be able to recapture some of that same magic that made the first one so fun.

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